Some news

I am currently working on the English version of L’harmonica, le trombone et le parapluie. There will be a few changes, notably the title.
On a Glenn Miller Tune seems more suitable in the language of Shakespeare

There will also be a new preface. Indeed, Mr. Neil Barber, the historian specializing in D-Day and the 9th Battalion, has kindly agreed to take part in this adventure. An English preface for an English novel.

Dear Neil, I thank you. This is a wonderful gift you are giving me. I can’t wait to cross the Channel to come give you a hug! What a beautiful way to close The Clara Cycle !

Finally, the last modification: the cover.
I am giving myself a few more months to perhaps find a British publisher. Otherwise, On a Glenn Miller Tune will be self-published.

In short, these are lovely updates, and I haven’t forgotten that none of this would have been possible without:

The original version, L’harmonica, le trombone et le parapluie, published by In Octavo. Without Serge Dutfoy, who graciously wrote the preface. Without my friend, Martin Long, who helped me translate it. Without all those who encouraged me.

And then, I think of Clara, my great-grandmother, and François. One day, I will sign it in England. And the circle will be complete.

Thank you.

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