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Some news
I am currently working on the English version of L’harmonica, le trombone et le parapluie. There will be a few changes, notably the title.On a Glenn Miller Tune seems more suitable in the language of Shakespeare There will also be a new preface. Indeed, Mr. Neil Barber, the historian specializing in D-Day and the 9th…

Atelier d’écriture…
Votre plume vous chatouille ? Venez nous rejoindre le jeudi 27 octobre, de 19 à 21h à la librairie Place 26, à Douvres la Délivrande. Au « programme » : quelques clés pour écrire une nouvelle. Nous nous « amuserons » avec le thème proposé par Normandie livre & lecture « À vos marques ». Attention : Il ne reste que…

My heartfelt thanks go out to each of you for the warm reception and enthusiasm you’ve shown for L’harmonica le trombone et le parapluie . Since its journey began, your presence at signings, your messages, and your reviews have been a source of joy and inspiration. It’s incredibly moving to know that Peter, Emily, Fanfan…

Writing workshop
It’s back-to-school time. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to conduct my writing workshops, as I don’t have a venue. I regret this, as you can imagine. Thus, after two years—one year in a bookstore and one year at the Douvres community center—my elephants and my tiny handwriting find themselves in a situation that seems inextricable…

Neil Barber’s review:
Christelle has produced a beautifully written and poignant tale that reflects, in one suchincident, the many legacies of this bravery; one of them being love. She relates in amasterful manner the depth of pain that can go with such love, engendered andexaggerated during wartime. This book is a tribute to all such French people and…