Matt est le premier ouvrage que je lis de Lou Vernet. Nous nous sommes croisées lors de salons du livres. À peine avons-nous échangé. Et pourtant, j’ai su très vite que j’avais envie de découvrir son univers. Pourquoi ? Je ne sais pas. Une intuition, quelque chose qui ne s’explique pas forcément. D’ailleurs pourquoi toujours tout…

My heartfelt thanks go out to each of you for the warm reception and enthusiasm you’ve shown for L’harmonica le trombone et le parapluie . Since its journey began, your presence at signings, your messages, and your reviews have been a source of joy and inspiration. It’s incredibly moving to know that Peter, Emily, Fanfan…

Claire’s house
July 16, 2022 Dear Clara, Yesterday, I was given an invaluable gift. Yesterday, I entered the house. It was a feeling I will never forget. All those years of passing by, taking photos at the gate, thinking, “If only…” And now, thanks to Claire, its new owner (yes, Claire, Clara…), I was able to realize…

Dear Clara
Dear Clara, Eighty years ago, they came to arrest you. It was early, summer was approaching along with the end of the war. They came for you, following a denunciation. For several years now, I’ve been sharing what I know of your story. I even reimagined you in the character of Emily, the Englishwoman from…

D’encre et de pierre… n’en finit pas de se préparer…
« Mais l’arbuste cessa vite de croître, et commença de préparer une fleur. Le petit prince, qui assistait à l’installation d’un bouton énorme, sentait bien qu’il en sortirait une apparition miraculeuse, mais la fleur n’en finissait pas de se préparer à être belle, à l’abri de sa chambre verte. Elle choisissait avec soin ses couleurs. Elle…

You talked about…
On the musical notes of Glenn Miller I discovered Peter’s story.We sail between 1944 and 1994, to discover the links that were created between this Englishman parachuted into the heart of D-Day and this small village on the Normandy coast.A life that was filled with many lives but also with regrets.What if telling his story…